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Cambridge Institute for Medical Research


Last week CIMR hosted an on-line event, held over three mornings, for sixth form students looking to pursue careers in medicine or biomedical sciences. Students heard talks from scientists at all stages of their careers including a research assistant, PhD students, post-docs and the Director of CIMR. They also had advice on the admissions process for the University of Cambridge and had the opportunity to ask lots of questions. The organisers, PhD students Ellie Fox and Holly Monkhouse, also filmed an experiment which the students followed along in stages, with Ellie explaining each step as they went along. This allowed students to get a better idea of day-to-day life in a research lab.

The event was aimed at students who meet one or more of our widening participation criteria, and had over 130 attendees. Feedback has been very positive with all attendees saying they would recommend the event to other students. We're looking forward to hosting again next year!