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Cambridge Institute for Medical Research


Applications are now closed

If you have applied for the programme, you will be informed whether you have a place no later than Monday 2nd December.

Inspiring Scientists at CIMR/MBU (ISAC/M)

ISAC/M is a free widening-participation work experience programme for sixth form (year 12) students run by the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) and the MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit (MBU).

The programme runs over February half term (18th-21st February 2025, 10am-4pm each day) and aims to give students interested in biomedical science or medicine a taste of working in a research lab, as well as guidance on applying to university and an insight into college life in Cambridge.

The programme is open to students in year 12 who are attending state schools in and around Cambridgeshire, and are able to travel to Cambridge daily for the duration of the programme. Please read the following information carefully to ensure that you are eligible before applying.



What does the programme involve?

ISAC/M aims to open the world of university scientific research and inspire students who are curious about science and research as a future career. It is designed for students who may be put off applying to Cambridge or other universities because of reduced opportunities or perceived barriers, where those factors may be much more limiting than their actual potential and abilities.


During the week, students will:

  • Spend time in a research lab at either CIMR or MBU, ‘shadow’ researchers, learn about how research is carried out including the importance of technology, and run experiments in a lab
  • Prepare and deliver a short presentation about the experiment they ran 
  • Attend interactive seminars to help develop scientific knowledge and skills 
  • Attend guided tours and demonstrations of scientific core facilities and see some of the different technologies used such as cutting-edge microscopes 
  • Spend an interactive day run in partnership with a Cambridge college, with workshops on how to apply to Cambridge and other universities
  • Network with other placement students, admissions staff, postgraduate students, and scientists as well as attend optional mentoring slots about studying and working in research 


Who is eligible?

Unfortunately, with limited time, capacity and budget, there are only a small number of places available for ISAC/M, and because it is a widening participation initiative, these places will be allocated based on how many specific criteria are met by applicants. 

You must fit all the following criteria in order for your application to be considered:

  • You must be attending a state-funded school
  • You must be in year 12 and 16+ years of age
  • You must be studying:
    • at least two STEM subjects at A level; or
    • at least two STEM subjects at higher level as part of the International Baccalaureate; or
    • the level 3 National Extended Diploma in Applied Science
  • You must have grade 7 or higher GCSE (or equivalent) in maths, biology and at least one other science
  • You must be able to travel to Cambridge daily for the course of the programme (we will reimburse reasonable travel costs, including bus and train fares, or petrol expenses if you are driven to Cambridge, but not taxi/ Uber fares). If you do choose to stay in Cambridge overnight, unfortunately we cannot reimburse accommodation costs.

You must also fulfil at least one of the criteria in the list below. We will give preference to students who fulfil more than one, with the first two carrying the most weight:

  • You are currently, or have been, in local authority care
  • You are eligible for free school meals or pupil premium
  • You are caring for a family member
  • Your parents/ carers did not attend university
  • You live in POLAR4 quintiles 1 or 2 (this is a measure of participation in higher education in the area you live, and we will deduce this from the home address you supply)
  • You have experienced disruption in your education (eg through illness/ frequent moving/ significant relocation)
  • Your ethnicity is under-represented at the University of Cambridge (currently this includes young people of Black African, Black Caribbean, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Gypsy, Roma or Traveller origin)


Some background about CIMR and MBU

CIMR is a biomedical research institute that is part of the School of Clinical Medicine at the University of Cambridge. CIMR’s mission is to determine the molecular mechanisms of disease to advance human health. We focus on translation between biological research and clinical applications. The Institute has 25 research teams studying how normal biological processes inside cells can go wrong during infections, or because of rare genetic changes. By understanding these processes and the molecules involved (particularly proteins) we aim to discover better treatments for diseases and enable better outcomes for patients. 


The MRC MBU is also a department of the School of Clinical Medicine. The strategic mission of the MBU is to understand mitochondrial biology in health and disease, and to exploit this understanding to develop new therapies and improve human health.  Research at the MBU aims to understand the fundamental biochemical and biological processes taking place in mitochondria, and the roles and integration of mitochondria within the cell. We aim to learn about the involvement of mitochondria and mitochondrial dysfunction in human diseases, and to exploit our understanding and knowledge to develop new therapies to treat them. There are nine Principal Investigators in the Unit, each leading an independent research group that focusses on a particular area of the Unit’s research. The Unit’s environment encourages cross-disciplinary interactions between the groups, who also collaborate extensively with other leading research groups on the local, national and international stage. 


Feedback from previous participants


“I feel much more confident about applying to study a STEM subject at university, than I did before the programme”


“The ISAC/M programme exceeded my expectations, as the lab work was absolutely brilliant, and also the chance to talk and meet with some of the world's leading researchers”


“It was an amazing opportunity, and had so many good parts, that I would recommend it to anyone thinking about studying Natural Sciences or Medicine, as it can be a decider for which course is right for you, and also to gain an insight into lab work and work beyond university”

How to apply

You can only apply through the on-line form linked below. We cannot accept applications in any other format or from any other route.

Application form

You will be asked to answer questions and provide information about you. You will also need to write a short statement about your motivations for applying to join the Inspiring Scientists programme.

Due to limited availability, we cannot guarantee a place for each applicant. There will be a reserve list for applicants in case of unforeseen circumstances.

This is a Widening Participation project of the University of Cambridge, with specific eligibility criteria set out above, and on our website here. Therefore, priority will be given to applicants who meet the most criteria.

Applications for ISAC/M are separate and independent from University and College admissions. An unsuccessful application to this programme does not affect your likelihood of being accepted to study at the University of Cambridge or anywhere else.

Each application should include the name and work email address of a nominated teacher at your school. We may contact this teacher following receipt of this application to provide verification of some of the information provided, and to give a reference. Please make sure your teacher has given their permission to be included in the application and to be contacted by CIMR or MBU. 

Please only apply if you are available and committed to take part from 10:00 to 16:00 on all four days of the programme (Tuesday 18th February – Friday 21st February 2025; half term week)


The deadline for applications is 5pm, Friday 22nd November 2024. We will inform applicants of the outcome of their application by email no later than 5 pm, Monday 2nd December 2024. You will be asked to accept or decline the offer by 5pm on Friday 6th December.

Although this is an educational programme, if you are selected you will have to provide proof of your right to work in the UK on your first day. This means that you will have to provide an official document, such as a passport, to be checked before you can begin the placement with us. More information about the sort of documents you can bring to fulfil this requirement can be found here and here.


Data Protection

Information about how your personal data will be used by us in connection with the administration of this activity, and for related purposes, is available at Participant data and booking policies | Undergraduate Study (

Please contact CIMR at with any questions in the first instance.